Oral Health Resources for Families (2025)

Oral health is an important part of children's overall health. Although many factors may impact a child's oral health, the resources below will help you educate families about healthy routines, good oral hygiene, proper tooth development, and how fluoride protects teeth.


HealthyChildren.org is the most trusted parent website because it is powered by pediatricians. On this site, parents can find information about everything related to their child's health and development, including oral health.

Protect Tiny Teeth

Protect Tiny Teeth is a free resource toolkit developed from the American Academy of Pediatrics to educate families and health professionals about the importance of good oral health during pregnancy and infancy. Find videos, infographics, posters, and brochures in many languages within the toolkit. Read more about pre- and post-natal oral health care on HealthyChildren.org.

Brush, Book, Bed: How to Structure Your Child's Nighttime Routine

Brush, Book, Bed is an AAP Program with a simple and clear message for parents. Pediatricians, other health care and dental care providers, and/or health departments are welcome to use resources for families.

Brush, Book, Bed focuses on eEach night:

  1. Help your children to brush their teeth
  2. Read a favorite book (or two!)
  3. Get to bed at a regular time each night.

The Brush, Book, Bed message and program are intended for children from birth to 6 years old. The program aims to improve oral health services in the medical home by linking oral health information with messages about early literacy, sleep, and establishing a regular nighttime routine.

    1. Establish buy-in from your practice and co-workers.
    2. Identify a Brush, Book, Bed Champion who will coordinate the program and inspire staff.
    3. Organize and promote training for staff on oral health, early literacy, and sleep. This includes coding/billing information and where to order dental supplies. See Sample Clinical Workflow for a Brush, Book, Bed Program for ideas on how to integrate it into your clinical workflow.
    4. Obtain supplies and set up the practice for easy implementation. This may take a few PDSA cycles to find out what works best in your particular office.
    5. Reach out to dental referral sources to establish relationships and make them aware of your Brush, Book, Bed program efforts.
    6. Consider if you will need to receive donations of books, toothbrushes, toothpaste, floss, mouth wash, or other materials. It may be possible to partner with a community organization, dentist, or to host a book drive to reach your goals.
    7. Develop an evaluation plan using the survey tool included in the Brush, Book, Bed appendix.
    8. Create goals (such as varnishing 25% of your patients under age 3), post them in a public area, revisit the goals often, and celebrate when the goals are achieved.

Brush, Book, Bed Resources

The Brush, Book, Bed materials were updated in 2023 and are available in the following languages: English, Spanish, Cambodian, French, Korean, Russian and Taiwanese.

HealthyChildren.org - Brush, Book, Bed: Information for families to help them structure a nighttime routine for their children which includes brushing teeth, reading a book and creating a regular bed time.

Oral Health Resources for Families (1)

Brush, Book, Bed Poster

Hang this poster in your practice that explains the Brush, Book, Bed message to families.

Oral Health Resources for Families (2)

Brush, Book, Bed Handout

Print copies of this handout to give to caregivers when introducing the Brush, Book, Bed program. The handout will answer questions and help them structure their child’s nighttime routine.

Oral Health Resources for Families (3)

Brush, Book, Bed Stickers

Print these stickers on white 2” x 4” mailing labels (10 per sheet) and stick them on distributed books to help parents remember the Brush, Book, Bed message.

Oral Health Resources for Families (4)

Brush, Book, Bed Bookmarks

Print these bookmarks on sturdy paper, quickly cut along the four gray lines and give out to patients and families to help them remember the Brush, Book, Bed message as they read.

Last Updated



American Academy of Pediatrics

Oral Health Resources for Families (2025)
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Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.